Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas IX SMP

English in Focus
for Grade IX
Junior High School (SMP/MTs)

Penulis: Artono Wardiman
           Masduki B. Jahur
           M. Sukirman Djusma
Editor: Editor Team of Setia Purna Inves
Layouter: Layouter Team of Setia Purna Inves
Ilustrator: Ilustrator Team of Setia Purna Inves
Desainer Sampul: Designer Team of Setia Purna Inves
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun Terbit: Tahun 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 162

Rangkuman Bab I
• Language Function
􀊇 Asking for certainty
􀊇 Responses for certainty
􀊇 Asking repetition
• Genre of text: Procedure
􀊇 Social function : To describe how something is acomplished
through a sequence of actions or steps
􀊇 Generic structure:
- Goal - Steps
- Materials
- The frame
- The covering
• Grammar : Using let to introduce imperative

Rangkuman Bab II
• Language Function
􀊇 Showing hesitation
􀊇 Responding to hesitation
• Genre of text: Report
􀊇 Social function: To report something, just the way it is. The
subject includes natural things, environment, social matters, or
human matters. Description of a general classification.
􀊇 Generic structure:
- General classification which includes the report’s subject,
information, and its classification.
- Description of the subject.
• Grammar: Gerunds

Rangkuman Bab III
• Language Function
􀊇 Expressions to show attention
􀊇 Expressions of admiration
• Genre of text: Procedure
􀊇 Social function : To describe how something is acomplished
through a sequence of actions or steps.
􀊇 Generic structure:
- Goal
- Materials
- Steps
- The ramfe
- The ovecring
• Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense

Rangkuman Bab IV
• Language Function
􀊇 Giving interesting news or information
􀊇 Responding with certainty/uncertainty (convincing)
• Genre of text: Narrative
􀊇 Social function : To entertain listeners or readers with a true
experience or an imaginary one. This characteristic of the text
is marked by conflict and resolution one.
􀊇 Generic structure:
- who, where, action verbs
- linking words, specificc characters
- end of the story’s conflict
- coda : changes that occurred and the moral of the story
• Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense

Rangkuman Bab V
• Language Function
􀊇 Polite expressions to show a manner
• Genre of text: Report
􀊇 Social function: To report something, just the way it is. The
subject includes natural things, environment, social matters,
or human matters. Description of a general classic cation.
􀊇 Generic structure:
- General classic cation which includes the report’s subject,
information, and its classic cation.
- Description of the subject.
• Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense; Special Finites 'May' and 'Might',

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