Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas VII SMP

Penulis: Th. Kumalarini
             Achmad Munir
             Slamet Setiawan
             Helena Agustien
             Muchlas Yusak
Ilustrasi: Direktorat Pembinaan SMP
Desainer Sampul: Direktorat Pembinaan SMP
Penerbit: Pusat Perbukuan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun Terbit: Tahun 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 212

Rangkuman Bab I
- Respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about greeting, leave taking, introducing oneself and others.
- Produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about greeting, leave taking, introducing
oneself and others.
- Make ideational responses to short functional texts (shopping lists).
- Create short functional texts (shopping lists).

Rangkuman Bab II
- Produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking someone to do something
- Respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking someone to do someand forbidding someone to do something.

and forbidding someone to do something.
- Make ideational responses to short functional texts (notes).
- Create short functional texts (notes).

Rangkuman Bab III
- Respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking for and giving information.
- Produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking for and giving information.
- Make ideational responses to short functional texts (announcement).
- Create short functional texts (announcement).

Rangkuman Bab IV
- Respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about apologizing, expressing
politeness and gratitude.
- Produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about apologizing, expressing politeness
and gratitude.
- Make ideational responses to short functional texts (postcards).
- Create short functional texts (postcards).

Rangkuman Bab V
- Respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about expressing likes or dislikes, and asking for and giving facts.
- Produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about expressing likes or dislikes, and asking for and giving facts.
- Make ideational responses to short functional texts (name cards, greeting cards,
congratulation cards, birthday invitations, and shopping lists).
- Create short functional texts (name cards, greeting cards, congratulation cards, birthday invitations, and shopping lists).

Rangkuman Bab VI

- Respond to spoken monologue texts of descriptive.
- Create spoken monologue texts of descriptive.
- Identify the meanings, the linguistic features and the text structure of written texts of
- Create written texts using the linguistic features and the text structure of descriptive.

Rangkuman Bab VII
- Respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking for and giving services,
things, clarification, asking and expressing opinion, and giving personal responses.
- Produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about asking for and giving services,
things, clarification, asking and expressing opinion and giving personal responses.
- Make ideational responses to short functional texts (greeting cards and lost notices).
- Create short functional texts (greeting cards and lost notices).

Rangkuman Bab VIII
- Respond to spoken monologue texts of procedure.
- Create spoken monologue texts of procedure.

- Identify the meanings, the linguistic features and the text structure of written texts of
- Create written texts using the linguistic features and the text structure of procedure.

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